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Automatic Platform Parking



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Make your city smart & comfortable
Fully automatic parking systems are the future of parking. Our continuous pursuit of functional, efficient and modern-looking equipment has led to the creation of automated parking systems with a speedy & safe design that bring you great benefits. They add values to your property by providing comfort parking experience, and reduce the time required for the whole parking process including searching, driving in & driving out.

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Comprehensive support from the very beginning

Perfect parking solution is never possible without a thorough consultation from the very beginning, and that is where our expertise is. What we offer are complete solutions start from scratch, helping customers to find the most suitable solution out of the systems and their variants.

Advantages & benefits

Cost saving

They reduce lighting and ventilation requirements, eliminate the manpower costs for valet parking services, and decrease the investment in property management. Moreover, it generates the possibility to increase projects ROI by using the extra real estate for more pro table purposes, like retail stores or additional apartments.

Comfort parking

Instead of searching for a parking spot and trying to find out where your car parked, automated parking system provides much comfort parking experience than traditional parking. It is a combination of a great many advanced technologies that work together seamlessly and uninterrupted that can deliver your car directly & safely to your place. 

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Additional safety
Fully automatic parking systems bring safer and more secured parking experience. All the parking and retrieving activities are performed at entrance level with an ID card owned by the driver himself only. Theft, vandalism or worse would never take place, and the potential damages of scrapes and dents are fixed once for all.

Space saving

Praised as the future of parking, fully automatic parking systems maximize the parking capacity within the smallest area as possible. It is especially beneficial for projects with a limited construction area as they require much less footprint by eliminating safe circulation in both directions, and narrow ramps and dark stairways for drivers.

Green parking

Vehicles are turned off  before entering the system, so engines are not running during parking and retrieval, reducing the amount of pollution and emission more than 60 percent.


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